I’m Helen French. I’m a geek, writer and online-digital bod. I love television and tea.

I’m a digital producer for a trade website and magazine publisher. I’m from the North West originally, but now I live in the South East of England.

I’ve worked in magazines for over 12 years, first as a sub-editor, then production manager, then editor and now in digital production/online. Whew (I’ve still got sales and design to try out).

Before that I was an editorial assistant at Harlequin Mills and Boon for a couple of years, where I worked on historical romances and the MIRA and LUNA (fantasy fiction) imprints. One of the authors I found in the slush pile was NYT bestselling author Maria V. Snyder.

I studied English at King’s College, London. At university I learned about subjects such as children’s fantasy literature and post-colonial literature. Oh, and I met my husband while I was there. During my student house-share I learned how to make tea and the value of daytime television.

I enjoy writing and reading, with a preference for fantasy fiction, although I like most genres and have a penchant for unusual non-fiction titles too.

I think that television, when done right, can tell spectacular stories. I love programmes like Game of Thrones, The Wire, Farscape, Breaking Bad and Friday Night Lights (nb. this is a really dated list that I can’t face changing right now).

Tea is an essential for me. I begin the day with a cup of Darjeeling, then usually move onto a green tea. In the afternoon I like to dabble in some Earl Grey and in the evenings I might have some Rooibos.

I’m short, I sneeze all the time and I love chocolate.

Too much info?

1: AF call to action

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Podcast Session 1: AF Call to Action