Forgotten Souls by Wes Markin

I’m fully invested in this Whity-based crime series now, featuring DCI Frank Black and DI Gerry Carver. Each one (so far) explores a case featuring an old body – the forgotten bodies of the series name. Frank fights hard to do what’s right by each...

Interstellar Megachef by Lavanya Lakshminarayan

There are so many interesting ideas in Interstellar MegaChef. Glance at the cover and read the blurb, and you may think this will be a cosy SF story about a woman in an intergalactic version of the Great British Bake Off. There’s certainly a (small) element of...

Forgotten Lives by Wes Markin

Forgotten Lives is the second of the Whitby’s Forgotten Victims series, and I’ve seen enough now to think I’ll probably be on board for any additions – it’s a good read.In this volume, a body is found in the walls of a pub that’s...

One of Us is Dead by Peter James

I always enjoy a crime book that makes you feel like you’re reading something fresh and interesting, rather than a retread of everything that’s gone before, even when there are familiar elements. That was certainly the case for me in One of Us Is Dead.It...

What a Way to Go by Bella Mackie

This was a fun read, albeit one that took a little while to get into.It opens with the birthday party – and death – of the wealthy Anthony Wistern. Impaled on a spike in a pool, his death draws interest and suspicion from far and wide. If he was murdered,...

The Salt Flats by Rachelle Atalla

The Salt Flats is a taut and well-told tale about a couple heading to a mysterious retreat on the Bolivian salt flats.It’s difficult to pin down as a specific genre. Is it a book about climate change fear (guilt about climate change eats away at main character...