Me and my iPhone

I used to cling to the idea that I loved only paperbacks and paperbacks alone. That I’d never want to replace them with any kind of ebook. But look how time changes people. These days I read as much on my iPhone as physical books. Here’s why: One,...

Not dead, just busy – 2010 reads

Am a bit busier than usual, what with being in the middle of moving house and being five months pregnant, hence the lack of updates – sorry! Anyway, onto books. As ever, one of my goals is to read more this year. I also want to read more of the books that I...

September reads

Haven’t been online much lately. Sorry. Imagine some plausible excuses here. Moving on… Books Here’s the latest batch of books I’ve read. There’s a lot of fantasy – mostly because I’m trying to get on top of my to-read pile,...