I have a theme I like, and I’ve fixed a problem with comments having urls that lead nowhere. Eventually I might have a site I can feel somewhat proud of 🙂
You can find more of my book reviews here under Book Reviews.
I plan to post my positive book reviews from GoodReads/NetGalley so that I can share my joy about these brilliant titles.
I read a wide range of fiction. I'm a long-time geek, so both science fiction and fantasy are right up my street. I also love compulsive page-turners from suspense thrillers to legal dramas to crime and detective fiction and family mysteries. When I have more headspace, literary or historical fiction are welcome too - and I've been known to binge a romance or seven in my time.
In terms of non-fiction, I collect cookery books, love close looks at unusual subjects or people (anything from financial trading to psychology) and enjoy biographies (especially humorous ones).