What do you write on?

I do most of my writing on a PC desktop that’s at one end of our living/dining room. It’s a bit old and creaky now (I would definitely like a new monitor), but it’s where I feel most at home when it comes to writing. I’ve got an ergonomic mouse...

And the end draws near

I’m getting close to the end now of the book I’m currently revising. I say revising. I never got so far as writing this particular section of the book, so it’s a first draft really. It’s exciting, yet feels like it’s moving really slowly,...

Back in the business

Back when I was er. somewhat younger and worked in book publishing for a couple of years, I found it quite hard to focus on my own writing. When I read other people’s books all day (and often into the evening), I didn’t have much creative energy left for...

Breaking in a new book

I’m a planner, a plotter, not a panster. I can’t write without some kind of vague plot, at least, hovering in the distance. When I say I can’t, I probably could if someone held a gun to my head, but other than that, I’ve tried it, and...


How do people write around their children, I wonder? I struggle somewhat, but is that down to me being lazy, not pushing myself enough, or just because looking after a baby is hard and sometimes they’re not always easy to work around? N is not a daytime napper,...

Me and my iPhone

I used to cling to the idea that I loved only paperbacks and paperbacks alone. That I’d never want to replace them with any kind of ebook. But look how time changes people. These days I read as much on my iPhone as physical books. Here’s why: One,...