What do you write on?

I do most of my writing on a PC desktop that’s at one end of our living/dining room. It’s a bit old and creaky now (I would definitely like a new monitor), but it’s where I feel most at home when it comes to writing. I’ve got an ergonomic mouse...

Back in the business

Back when I was er. somewhat younger and worked in book publishing for a couple of years, I found it quite hard to focus on my own writing. When I read other people’s books all day (and often into the evening), I didn’t have much creative energy left for...

Breaking in a new book

I’m a planner, a plotter, not a panster. I can’t write without some kind of vague plot, at least, hovering in the distance. When I say I can’t, I probably could if someone held a gun to my head, but other than that, I’ve tried it, and...


How do people write around their children, I wonder? I struggle somewhat, but is that down to me being lazy, not pushing myself enough, or just because looking after a baby is hard and sometimes they’re not always easy to work around? N is not a daytime napper,...

Burn the oil!

I am so tired, but I’m burning the midnight oil anyway because I have to. I have a baby, don’t I know any better? I should be curled up warm, resting for the day that lies ahead tomorrow. But I can’t. I just can’t. I’m driven here, to the...